Monday, November 15, 2010

10 Months Old!

(There are pictures and a video below - after you get through my rambling.)

I probably post this every month, but I can't believe how big Lily is!! To celebrate her 10 month birthday she had her first jar of #3 food. It was pea soup with chunks of chicken and carrot - which she didn't mind. She still does very well feeding herself cheerios and banana. Now we are trying more table food. She's had cheese, pasta, and oranges and rejected all of it. :( I'll keep trying and hopefully add a few more finger foods to her diet.

Lily is still very mobile and "cruising" along the couch. She likes standing on her on her tip-toes. I didn't think much of it because she's constantly trying to get something that is out of reach, but today I noticed she also does it when she's just standing still. Maybe she'll be a ballerina.

Lily is almost 19 pounds and I have no idea how tall. She has started wearing 12 month size clothes for the extra length. None of her shoes fit anymore, so we need to do some shopping. It's always a battle to keep them on, so I haven't been putting them on her. But now that it's cold (and since she'll be walking soon) I guess it's unacceptable to just go out in socks.

This past month we tried a class at gymboree, we've been going to baby storytime more often, and started a little playgroup with some other stay at home Mom's & kids. I know that I probably get more out of it than she does, but she behaves well and seems to enjoy socializing with other babies. She especially loves watching the older ones.

That's all I can think of for the monthly update. Now time for pictures! Since Thanksgiving is right around the corner, Lily is in her turkey outfit.

"Are you trying to look at my butt?"

"OK, here's my turkey butt"
It's getting really hard to keep Lily still and smile for her monthly photo. Here's a look the trick I used this month.

Corey's Visit

In early November, my friend Corey came up from TN for a weekend visit. It was her first time meeting Lily and unfortunately I didn't get any pictures with the two of them. :( At least I got one of the two of us. I took her downtown for some Chicago-style pizza and to see the Christmas decorations at Marshall Fields (Macy's). The storefront windows weren't as cool I remembered, but the tree in the Walnut Room (shown below) was very pretty!

Happy Halloween! (part 2)

Sorry for the delay in finishing the Halloween pictures. We had a great time with Lily's first Halloween. She had lots of cute pumpkin clothes and was a very cute caterpillar. On Friday, we went to Halloween storytime where all the babies dressed up in their costumes. On Saturday, my parents came up and we took Lily "trick-or-treating" at a nearby shopping center. Lily was a little intimidated so we didn't ask for too much candy. It was more fun to see all the other kids (and some dogs) dressed up. Finally, Sunday was Halloween, and we carved our pumpkins and went actual trick-or-treating to a few houses in our neighborhood.

Mommy's little pumpkin

Baby storytime

Papa & Grandma