Friday, October 28, 2011

Friend's Christmas 2009

We were going through old photos today and stumbled upon these pics and videos from our 2009 Friend's Christmas Pajama Party.  2010 was too busy for a party, so this year a party is definitely needed.  The bag game seems so simple, but can keep us entertained for hours!

 The Bag Game Champions!

Nick again

and again

and again


Justin's turn

Monday, October 24, 2011

Lily's fashion accessories

Frog rain boots for splashing in the puddles

Princess slippers for the cold winter days

Fireman's hat for when you see a fire truck
(the truck came to the library, thankfully not my house for a fire)


Lily LOVES to color!  Any crayon, pen, or pencil she can get her hands on, she wants to use and scribble all over.  Fortunately, all scribbles have been on paper (and a little on the table) but no walls!
This is the first time Lily said "cheese" while taking a picture :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Brunch with the Gustins

While in West Lafayette for the weekend, we got to meet up with my friend LeAnn, David and their cute boy, William.  He's 10 months and almost the same height as Lily!  He's going to be tall like his daddy.  It was great to spend time with friends and see how much William has changed.  When we saw him in July he was barely crawling.  Now he is pulling up and cruising.


Lily showed William how to open and use his new toy.  They were good at sharing. :)

Lily's first PU tailgate

 Lily, Matt, and I went to West Lafayette for the Purdue-Notre Dame game.  We just went to see friends and tailgate instead of going to the game.  As it was, there wasn't much of a game to watch. :(  Lily was super cute in her Purdue cheerleader outfit, but didn't bring the Boilers much luck.  She had tons of fun at her first tailgate.

 The Boilermaker Special stopped by!

 Lily's first pretzel rod.  She was very excited.

She desperately wanted to play with Parker (the only other kid there) but he wasn't interested.  Maybe he already believes in cooties.

Switching to Daddy's PU hat