Saturday, June 30, 2012

Fun in the big bed

One of Lily's new bedtime rituals is to hang out in Mommy and Daddy's bed.  We watch a movie, eat snacks, read books, and sometimes talk on the phone to the Grandparents.  It's our new trick to entertain Lily while we get to lay down and maybe close our eyes for a bit.  Lily is the night owl of the family and we desperately try to get her to bed so we can go to bed too.

Lily's babies usually have to join her in bed.  And if we are watching a Disney princess movie, then the corresponding baby princess MUST be present. :)

One of Lily's newest things is to lay just like Daddy.  She puts her arms behind her when she's getting sleepy on the couch, in the bed, and even in her car seat.  She definitely listens and watches everything we do.  I like listening to her play with her dolls because she usually tells them the same things I'm always telling her....even the discipline stuff.
YUM!  Cheerios

Friday, June 29, 2012

1 Month Old!

  Kyle at 1 Month
(not the best expression on his face, but at least his eyes are open and head is straight)

This was Kyle at 1 week
His head/neck is so much stronger now

Our "little" man is growing fast!  We didn't go to the doctor at 1 month, so I don't have a length measurement.  But I've been weighing him on the Wii Fit and he's 12 pounds.  I'm sure his length has increased too because there are a few sleepers he can no longer wear because he's too long.  He's still wearing 3 month clothes and a few 6 month onesies.  (Every brand fits differently.)  He's in size 1 diapers.  He doesn't like to be swaddled anymore (I think he gave it up around 3 weeks old).  He usually sleeps with his arms above his head.  He eats every 1.5-2 hours during the day, and then can go longer between feedings at night.  He's had 2 great nights of 6 hours between feedings and 3-4 hours between the next feeding.

The cats no longer hide under the bed all day.  They like to be in whatever room Kyle is in.  Not sure if they are just curious or maybe they are being protective.  Salsa likes to join Kyle and me in the rocking chair during the nighttime feedings.  She knows I can't do anything else except pet her :)

Lily is still very good with Kyle.  Periodically, she will ask to hold him.  She prefers doing "tummy time" with him on the floor.  He likes his activity mat and will stare at the mirror and bat at some of the objects with his hands.  He loves staring at the ceiling fans!

Oh, I just remembered a great milestone... he smiles!  I caught his first smile this week and then Matt got a couple the day after.  Kyle is still our super sweet baby.  He goes with the flow while Lily and I are busy playing or on outings.  He only cries for a reason and is very quiet otherwise. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fun at the mall

 This weekend, Matt and I took the kids to the mall.  It was Kyle's 1st time!  He was thrilled (aka he slept the whole time).

We needed to get out of the house and it was too hot to play outside.  Our mall has a great kids area.  Lily loves running around and going down the slide.  They also have a bunch of machines where you put quarters in and it moves/lights up for a few minutes.  Maybe I'm a bad Mom (or maybe I'm genius) but I didn't teach Lily that these machines moved/lit up until recently (mostly because I never have cash on me).  This trip I actually had some quarters and offered to turn on the rocket ship for her but she told me not too.  She had more fun playing with it as is.  Good girl, Lily!

Happy Birthday Amy!

Last week I turned 30...ugh!  But it wasn't so bad because Lily says I'm 3.  I told her, "yes, 3 with a 0."  And the Wii Fit says my age is only 20, so I'm not feeling too bad about my age. :) 

To celebrate, Matt got Justin Timberlake to wish me a happy birthday...

There is a grocery store near us that has fantastic cake artists that can create just about anything.  I'm guessing they do more Justin Biebers lately than Timberlakes.  :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Father's Day 2012

This was Kyle's first Father's Day.  Here he is with his Daddy, Grandpa, and Papa.  We had a very nice day celebrating with both sets of parents at our house.

Father and Son
Kyle's wearing his "super baby" shirt (because he is one) and his first pair of shoes :)

Dad, Kyle, and Mom
Lily is at the stage where she doesn't always want to take pictures.  And we can't always get a smile or a look at the camera.  Oh well!  So that's why she's in some of these and missing from others.

Nana, Kyle, Lily, and Grandpa

Grandma, Kyle, and Papa

Family of four!
Nearly impossible to now good look on everyone.  This was our best.

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!  
(Matt just taught Lily how to do "thumbs up")

3 Generations of Cianciarulo Men

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Life is good

In honor of father's day, Kyle is wearing his tax shirt.  He is 3 weeks old today.  Lily wore the same shirt when she turned 3 months!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June photos so far

 I have so many pictures, but not enough time to organize and post.  Here are some recent ones I quickly grabbed to keep you updated.  Things are busy around here, but going well.  Kyle is still a great baby.  He had his 2 week check up on Monday and Dr. said he's perfectly healthy.  Still 22 inches long and now 11 lb 3 oz.  We started a pacifier to get him more spacing between feedings.  It's making a nice difference because last night he went 4.5 hours between feedings and then 4 hours between the next feeding!  (Then it was every 2 hours after that... back to what he's been doing.)

Now pictures...

Kyle's first bath.  He likes looking at the baby in the mirror.

Papa, Grandma, and Kyle with Lily too

Uncle Jason, Kyle, and Daddy Matt
He arranged a special business trip just to visit us

Kyle's 1 week photo.  We'll be tracking him next to this bear to watch him grow.

"Ladies Man" Kyle

Mommy's friend Steph and Lily's friend Annie visit Kyle

Lily went to a friend's birthday party where they had a petting zoo.  She liked petting the duck.

Mommy and her two sweet kids

Lily decorating cookies with Grandma.  She shook the sprinkles so hard it was a blur in the picture.

The Hurleys came to visit Lily and Kyle

First time I caught Kyle sucking his thumb.  It looks like he's flashing me a peace sign too. :)

Lily and her chalk drawings.  For a 2 year old, she makes a pretty good smiley face.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Lily plays Pooh Sticks with Daddy

Family of Four

First picture as a family of 4
Lily's visit to the hospital.  Notice Kyle (previously known as Pumpkin) is wearing a pumpkin hat :)

Lily was so excited to greet Baby Kyle when we got back home.  She wore her Big Sister shirt even let Grandma put a bow in her hair because "Baby Kyle would like it"

Our new happy (and tired) family

Friday, June 1, 2012