Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Here are a few recent videos of Lily.

I love in the beginning she's jabbering and playing by herself in her tent. If you get bored, the best part is the last 30 seconds when she's laughing.

Sorry you have to turn your neck for this one. I was trying to take a picture but my camera was in video mode and I just went with it. She is such a talker! On her first birthday we decided her first word was "hi" (and she waved when she said it... she waves at everything and everyone!). I think she can also say "dada", but she says it to me as well as Matt. On another milestone tangent, Lily took her first step yesterday!! Hopefully I'll get that on video soon.

Lily has been really funny at meal time. Today she tried to sneak a whole chunk of banana! The poor girl has 0 teeth. :( I've been thinking "any day now" for the last 6 months. She probably going to get them all at once! That doesn't sound like fun for either of us.

1 comment:

  1. These are great: in focus and showing Lily having a good time doing what babys do. Yeah, Amy!
