7 months old!
8 months old!
Sorry, Kyle! We've been so busy having fun, I fell behind on your updates. Hopefully we'll stay caught up now.
You are tons of fun to be around. Always smiling and laughing. You give big, belly laughs now when something is really funny. It's usually something silly your sister does. You like everything Lily does. You don't drool as much, so we've been able to spend some days bib free. You are turning into a little chatter box! When Lily is quiet (which is rare) you fill the silence with your babbles. Your stories are very interesting. :)
You are SO BIG! (Literally, you're 22 pounds. Ugh! And 28 inches long.) At 7 months we switched you out of the infant car seat and into the Big Boy one. You can put your arms in the air and show me how big you are when I ask. It always makes you smile and you usually cock your head to the side to give the cutest little look.
You have absolutely no interest in moving. No rolling and no crawling. I was perfectly happy with that at Christmas time. There were too many dangerous things for you to get into. But now that the tree and decorations are gone, we've been doing more tummy time and trying to teach you to roll or crawl. I put toys out of your reach, but usually your "helpful" sister just brings them to you. You'll lay on your tummy for a while, but usually cry out to be flipped instead of just rolling yourself. You still love your jumperoo and could happily bounce for hours. You can stand for long periods while leaning against the couch or your music table. Maybe you'll just start cruising and skip the floor stuff. I don't think your little arms can support all your weight! But your legs seem to be strong enough.
You're in 12 month clothes and still in size 3 diapers but we had to start using the nighttime diapers to avoid accidents at night. We still have frequent accidents, so we'll be starting size 4 once the 3's run out. You have slept through the night (10-12 hours) on many occasions, but it's not always consistent. I guess there are some days you don't get enough solids during the day, so you wake hungry at night. But it's hard to believe that 2-3 jars of food per meal is not enough for you! I have a very hard time getting you full. Sometimes with your sister's activities, your eating and sleeping schedules get thrown off. But you are always so good and just go with the flow. You know I'll eventually get your fed or get you to your crib. I need to be careful how long we're out because you only like to nap in your crib (and sometimes the car). If you miss your morning nap you'll just take a giant afternoon nap (2-3 hours). But I try not to do that too often because I'm not ready for you to start dropping naps.
Like I said before, we've been very busy having fun. Just before you turned 7 months, we had your baptism. Many of the family was hear to help you celebrate. Then we celebrated Christmas with both sides of the family. Daddy took a long vacation around the holidays so we had lots of quality time with him. We celebrated Lily's 3rd Birthday with family and friends. Lily was sick on her Birthday week and was nice enough to share it with you. Luckily you didn't get it as bad. So we spent 2 weeks camped in the house either because of being sick or because it was too cold to go outside. It's snowed a little, but not enough to take you out to play in it. Plus, it's been too cold.
I feel like your 1st Birthday is just right around the corner. I'm going to try and savor these next 4 months while you're still my baby and not yet a toddler. We're excited to see you move and grow, just don't do it too fast!! You're my sweet boy and so much fun to be around.
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