Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's a GIRL!!!!

I'm 21 weeks and just had my ultrasound appointment. The doctor said everything is normal and the baby looks healthy so far. We saw the brain, heart, kidneys, bladder, hands, feet... everything from head to toe. We also got a really good look between the legs and found out it's a girl!!! (We had him check a couple times, just to make sure.) We think we even saw her sucking her thumb! She was moving around a lot during the exam. I'm starting to feel her movements in my belly. It's still a "fluttering" feeling and there aren't any strong kicks or punches yet. I'm sure that will come soon! It's so exciting to finally know the gender. Now we get to start planning and shopping!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! A baby exciting! May God bless you with a wonderful pregnancy and a happy and healthy baby.
